Welcome to Rescenic's Journal


 | #Portfolio#History


❤ Auto Reply Bot

Telegram Bot RS Muhammadiyah Bandung (2021) : https://t.me/rsmb_id_bot

WhatsApp Bot RS Muhammadiyah Bandung (2021) : https://wa.me/6289522005404

❤ WebApps

SundaDigi (2023) : https://sundadigi.com

Pustaka Jaya (2023) : https://pustakajaya.com

Islamika (2024) : https://islamika.co

❤ Websites

XtGem (2008) : https://rescen.mw.lt

Blogspot (2009) : https://rescenin.blospot.com

GitHub (2021) : https://rescenic.github.io

About Muhammad Ridwan Hakim, S.T.

Photo of Muhammad Ridwan Hakim, S.T.

I am a philosophy of my life, being prey by black hole in my soul, saved by your presence.